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5 percent without health problem... Are you?

There are too much population exists in our world which we cannot imagine and all of the peoples are suffering from different type of the problems. Among many of the problems, health issue are highlighted and it is cleared that healthy person can enjoy a happy life. But Alas! In this era of life very short person exist in world which is free from all of the diseases. As we know cancer, high blood pressure, high or low level of blood sugar, heart problems and diabetes are fast growing health problems due to our low quality of food and busy life. People have no time to do exercise and they are stuck in a very hectic routine in which they have no time even to think about their health.

In this study, it is informed to healthy people that they are among 5 percent people who have no any health issue, in 2013. In 188 countries, researchers did study on 300 diseases in which all the chronic disease also included as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to study, almost 4.3 percent people in the world have no health problem. More over disease can be with the increase of the age, as studied that about 64 percent of the kids have health issues in developed countries and 99.98 percent adults are same of age 88 years and older. Mostly people are not just suffering from one health problem and 2.3 billion of the population of the world has more than 5 health issues. 65 percent of people of age 80 years and older have 5 to 9 health problems in developed countries and it is more than 10 in ΒΌ population of the world. People of more than 10 percent are suffering from different commonly known diseases which are hearing loss, headache, genital herpes and iron deficiency. And according to 2013 statistical data, 2 billions and more people are suffering from diarrhea and 18 billion have respiratory problem.

It is found that in last two decades of year, population of the people increasing and a large number of people are getting older that is why most of the people victimizing of different type of disease and it is increasing day by day, researcher studied. He added that many of the diseases are becoming a serious hunter and many of the people become disable for whole life due to these diseases like Migraine, Diabetes for long time, back pain in lower side, tension and digression at high level, anxiety and arthritis. It is seen that people are paying too much attention and focusing to reducing the death rate due to these diseases but it is also important to play an active part to concentrate on disabilities due to these so it can be reduced with some efforts.